Ladies be careful when using this brush and if you have a tendancy to become impatient when untangeling your curly cues please do not invest in this brush. It is so strong that it can rip your hair straight from the root.
I bought this brush because everyone rants and raves about it and I am the natural hair test dummy since I love to buy products. I always untangle in small sections and in the shower with lots of conditioner for slip. I usually have a strand here and there comming out in my brushes or combs when detangling. Nothing horrifying until my latest experience. Well ladies, when I used the denman in one small sections I think maybe 5-10 hairs came out....AAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!! I screamed and cried and immediately checked to see if itwas bad (luckily it wasn't even noticable) and I put that brush away and never will use it on my curly hair. I think I will try it again when my hair is straight though.
Tips when using this brush:
1. Use in small sections
2. Make sure there is lots of slippage sustance in your hair
3. Do not brush through hard tangles because this brush will rip right through them
4.***Try taking some of the brush brittles out so that there is less chances of ripping***
**Please comment about your denman experiences, both good and bad.**
Until the next time ladies,
Love your curls!!
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